
Der Fotoliner Ocean Adventure von Rollei im Test - für meine Reisen und Makrofotografie Fieldtrips Für meine Fotoreisen war ich auf der Suche nach einem neuen Fotorucksack - groß sollte er sein, viele Extra-Fächer enthalten, für Notebook, Zubehör, Kleidung, am besten bequem und an das Design hatte ich auch meine speziellen...

The Irix macro focusing rail IMR-180 is now the second rail i test, and very similar to the Nisi model.There are a few differences though, which we are going to have a look at. Like i already stated in the other review, i have bought, owned and used a lot of...

I am very proud and happy to be chosen as an OM SYSTEM Ambassador, representing the brand in macro photography. Having photographed intensively with OM System gear for the last 2 years, coming from a full frame DSLR setup, I am an absolute converted disciple for the innovative system.I could not...

Introduction Since direct contact to animals, even the tiniest of them, like insects & spiders, will happen often in macro photography, it is important to think about an ethical rule set for this field of photography. Being and acting responsible is crucial when photographing living creatures – and in their habitat in...