
For a Nature and Wildlife Photographer there is hardly anything better than photographing animals in the wild. Enjoying nature and the outdoors is a beautiful contrast to our fast-paced and urban modern world. However, after the photographing part, often follows the editing of the many photos. While this can also be quite enjoyable,...

The 2025 macro season is approaching with spring only a few weeks or months away. With OM SYSTEM´s Spring Cashback you get the chance to upgrade your gear right on time before all the fun begins. This time all my favorite ingredients are included in the cashback offer and allow to build...

Der Systemwechsel vom DSLR Vollformat zu OM SYSTEM MFT Die Zeit rast! Mehrere Jahre habe ich nun nach meinem Wechsel von DSLR Vollformat zum MFT (Micro-Four-Thirds) Format - speziell für die Makrofotografie - mit verschiedenen OM SYSTEM (bzw. anfangs noch OLYMPUS) Kameras fotografiert. Meine ersten Eindrücke nach dem MFT-Systemwechsel findet ihr hier. Zeit -...

Just in time before Christmas, OM SYSTEM has started its biggest Cashback so far. The 2024 WINTER Cashback also finally includes the already legendaryM.Zuiko 90mm IS PRO Macro lens - which reduces its price to 1229,00 Euro - Yay!I use this lens in probably 90% of my shots since I got...

Using a flash in Macro Photography often results in pitch black backgrounds - and we are not talking about night photography here. This is a very typical phenomenon, which can either be intentionally used for extreme contrast, or be an unwanted consequence of using the flash, which you want to get...

Ganz frisch ist das gemeinsame Werk "Von Angesicht zu Angesicht" von Thomas Hörren, Dominik Eulberg und Thorben Danke im KOSMOS Verlag erschienen. Alle drei waren mir auch vorher schon bekannt, sodass ich vorher eine ungefähre Idee davon hatte, was mich mit diesem wunderschönen Buch erwarten würde: Thomas Hörren, der wie ich in...