Get the best tips for Macro Photography

Improve your Macro photography in short and free lessons.

Learn how to take razor sharp images and engaging insect portraits.


Get the latest gear reviews, tutorials, tips and tricks, updates and trends with a focus on Macro photography.


Enter your Email address below to sign up for the Newsletter and you will also get notified when the free ‘How to master spider & insect macro photography’ ebook is ready for download.

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Hi, i am Chris.

I am documenting the fascinating micro world of insects and spiders for over 15 years now – currently as an OM SYSTEM Ambassador.

Macro photography opens up a window to a world of beautiful colors, textures and forms.

The macro lens makes visible what is often hidden to the naked eye.


Creating awareness and fascination for the tiny world – that is what i am trying to do.

With sharing my workflows, approaches and best tips with you, I am hoping to enable you to start with macro photography or improve your skills.

Reserve your free Macro Photography ebook

In the free edition of my ‘How to master spider & insect macro photography’ ebook I will share some of my best tips on how to capture stunning macro photos.


What’s inside?


  • How to capture engaging insect portraits
  • How to take razor sharp macro photos
  • How to get a smooth & blurred background in macro photography
  • What is the best gear for macro photography?
  • and many more…

Just sign up above for the WILD MACRO Newsletter and you will get notified once the ebook is ready to download.